Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mobile Phones Changes Day by Day:

  The mobile phones which we used in past were quite interesting compared to mobile phones of now a day's . The old phones were large, bulky and had no features. Today's phones are light, compact and have many  features, like cameras, email and internet access. Very small quantity of people's use old phones much, but now a  day's  almost everyone has a mobile phone. If changes like this continues, then what does the future of mobile's look like?

 Appearance - Phones have more and more capabilities. Flexi screens cannot be too far away. A flexible screen will permit your mobile phone to be integrated into your clothes. Think about it: you are walking along and you lift the cuff of your shirt and type a number on to it. Then your earring or the arm of your eyeglasses serves as your mouthpiece. Actually, there may not even be a need for a keypad - improvements in voice recognition systems would put an end to those.

Battery Life - As people start to use their phones more and the technology advances, the battery life has to advance, too. charging the battery can be done in various now and it will surely advance in the future. There is an idea that one day there will be hot spots where you simply stand and your phone battery charges. Wireless charging is probably not too far off in the future.

Features - Features have been change almost completely in mobile technology. Now a days mobile phone commonly used for Entertainment . You can already text, email and instant message others in addition to just calling them. Mobile phones have become almost like an entertainment center in the palm of your hand. You can access the internet, watch movies, get driving directions and do numerous other things just from your mobile phone. In the future it may be possible to get cable television and play games that are better than what you can get on a video game console. Music is also evolving and with it the sound capabilities of phones.

Lifestyle - We already use our mobile phones for a number of day to day needs, from scheduling to email to GPS directions. Imagine it going beyond this: you could shop online with your phone, or order coffee or a meal ahead of time on your way to a shop. You could even control your home's heating system or other features with your phone to have it ready for you on your return.

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